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Below is a brief description of all the yoga classes currently available.

Yoga Mindful Flow

A series of creatively linked yoga poses from a flowing/fluid sequence which is synchronized with the breath. Building slowly and gently we awaken and warm the body, then progress to a more dynamic pace with occasional challenging and long held postures.


Variations and modifications for all levels are offered through out, giving students the opportunity to honour and respecting their bodies. Although this practice will create strength, tone and flexibility of the body, the main emphasis is to make a mind body connecting, tuning in to yourself to attain a profound sense of stability and serenity.

Yoga Yin

Yin Yoga works on the deeper anatomy of the physical body, targeting the connective tissues in turn stimulating the energetic flow of the subtle body. Passive and soft poses with a focus on hips, pelvis and lower spine, are supported by the earth with the use of props and postural variations.


The challenge is to maintain the postures for long periods of time, whilst bringing awareness to the breath and presence of mind, which in turn cultivates inner strength and outer flexibility. A great way to bring balance to a dynamic yoga practice and fast passed lifestyle.


Open to all levels of practitioners.

Yoga Pregnancy

A slow and flowing sequence integrated with specific anti natal postures to help you stay grounded, light and energised during pregnancy whilst helping to relieve many common pregnancy ailments. Breath and visualisation exercises enhance your experience by creating physical, mental and emotional well being cultivating courage and wisdom.


The class will leave you feeling relaxed, nurtured and empowered having made a new network of supportive friends.


Suitable from 12 weeks of pregnancy to birth.

Yoga Teen

Teenagers face an immense amount of pressures as they go through one of the most important transition period of their lives. So why not take some well deserved time out from the daily stresses of school, friends, family and social life and experience what all the yoga hype is about.


You will be guided through yoga moves and sequences in a non-competitive and light hearted environment. An opportunity to get into shape, learn about your body and begin to feel comfortable and confident in yourself.


This class is only open to teenage girls 12yrs and upwards.

Yoga Wonder © copyright 2015

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